Discipleship & Education

Sunday School Day

Sunday School Day occurs on the second Sunday of each month. It is an intentional day to bring the children of the congregation together for instruction in the faith. The adults and children join in the Fellowship Hall for a quick devotion, prayer, and song before the children are excused to begin Sunday School and Adult Education begins.

Adult Bible Studies

Adult Education meets every Sunday morning, Wednesday Morning from September to May, and Wednesday evening from June to August. Many topics are covered related to either 1) a book, 2) history of the church, 3) a theological topic of doctrine, or 4) Christian responses to a changing world.

“Make disciples….baptizing them… and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Those selected words from Jesus in the Great Commission capture an important and central aspect of the mission of the church; to make disciples. The process begins with participation in the congregational life through worship. Closely followed are the instruction and teaching.


The purpose of Confirmation at St. Timothy is to help young Christians transition to mature Christian adulthood and to incorporate them into the Christian life in a holistic way.

New Membership

When the process for joining St. Timothy has begun through participation in the congregational life, the purpose of new membership is to help bring someone into the full fellowship of believers. The new membership process will affirm the faith that’s already taken place, and welcome the Christian to St. Timothy. Part of this process is to further orient them to the Christian faith within the Lutheran tradition.